Whenever you’re looking for home builder Baldwin County Alabama, what comes to mind? Well, we will tell you who has the highest and most reviewed homebuilding business and the whole County, we do. Brian T Armstrong’s construction is one of the best. We always have upfront pricing, and we never cut corners in any way. They are clear and concise website, and how it is put together. Just from this, you will learn that we pay attention to details, and we do not leave any stone unturned.
So, to find a great home builder Baldwin County Alabama, what are you going to do? Well, good news, you do not have to now you found us! Let’s say you are somebody who is dreaming and wants to design your dream home. Just click on our website at https://www.briantarmstrongconstructioninc.com/ and we can start the process for you. All you do is click on the orange button buses design your dream home and fill out a short three-line form then we can get started. Some of the things we do is home design, renovations and excavations, we also build house pads and poor driveways. Another thing we do is the demolition and we also clear lots.
We are home builder Baldwin County Alabama who exclusively works for residential purposes. We have something called the Armstrong way, is a proven path to your dream home. First, we had to take out the finishes on the house to create your design book, after that, we have upfront pricing – and we also no surprises whatsoever. Thirdly, we have a highly organized construction process. We always stressed that satisfaction is guaranteed, so maybe you could call today and set up an appointment. Our phone number 251 – 747 – 3801.
Whether you are doing new home construction, remodeling, or site work, we can handle the job. We really love to help you create your dream home or to turn the home your guardian into your dream home. New home construction is for those of you who are very eager to create. We are dedicated to helping our customer’s dreams become a real-life pencil thing. When we achieve this through a very detailed process. Starting with scheduling the first appointment to discuss the design and the price of the home. At the design and the price, we will then make an appointment with designer sister custom-designed for home.
When transition in the recording phase price of that you wanted home. We believe transparency is to know this because there’s always hidden pricing with different places. According to Spanish, we pursue to contract and phase as well as financing. Soon as the financing closes with a bank we will then begin construction. Construction can typically take anywhere from 6 to 12 months depending on the side of the house. Another bonus is that one all of the construction is complete we will then issue your home warranty and termite bond.
Home Builder Baldwin County Alabama | What Services Does Brian T Armstrong Construction Offer?
There are a number of home builder Baldwin County Alabama choices, so we would like to let you in on all the services. That way you build out a little roadmap as to what we can do for you. First off, we have new home construction. The difference between us in any of our competitors in this instruction is that our team is dedicated to detail and organization. The first member that will be working with the interior designer, and will help without all of the treatment homes from the beginning to the house will run on time and on budget.
Remodeling is another area of home builder Baldwin County Alabama that recover. If you are currently in a place for your needing some remodeling, then we are the. When going into a remodel: sure that it is done right and done extremely well the first time. Not look like an add-on to your house, rather it will flow into the original design of your house, so didn’t fit. We will assemble all the information that we need to come on the visit so that we can wrap up an accurate plan is not attacked us. Our designers are very detail-oriented and so we need to take the exact measurements of the existing house.
When remodeling in the home builder Baldwin County Alabama area, with a lot of value in our on-site assessment. Is engineering required whatsoever we can also handle this? The floor plans are finished being drawn, then we can really get serious on both bring into pricing options. We take these plans and send them out to numerous contractors to bid on the project. Subcontractors are lots of good or contractors that we will work with a regular basis so we are consistent with a high-quality product.
Site work is another one of our categories. Our site would to towards contractors and homeowners that need work on the land even before they build their new home. We have an array of estimated institutes use as well as tractors and trailers. We will clear lots for your home to have a solid and proper foundation. We typically clear all the lots, install the clover pipes, build axis drivers, build house pads, underground electric conduit among a plethora of other things. They are comprehensive to say the least.
We will meet with each of our customers on the job site to discuss the project, and figure out the most economical method to achieve their desired results. We like to work smarter, rather than our. Not that we do not work hard, we work our little boats off, but we don’t work are where we don’t have to. We never take shortcuts and we show extreme dedication to each and every project we undertake. For any construction project, it is so important that the foundation is solid because the last thing you want to go back and have to repair a cracked foundation. That goes back to the principle of doing every job right where the first time, and not having to go back to it.